Friday, September 19, 2014


I'm often asked what inspires me when I'm designing jewelry. My answer is pretty simple -- I design and make what I want to wear. I have a uniform mentality when it comes to my wardrobe -- hello jeans, t-shirts and boots, even in the summer. So, what's the secret to looking like you aren't wearing the same thing day after day? Jewels! I have always loved to layer my jewelry and for years have made a lot of chains. In terms of versatility, there is nothing like a great statement chain that can be worn for years. My mother has worn a classic Hermes chain for as long as I can remember. Over the years, she has added other chains and changes her look by adding different pendants or strands of beads for a more bohemian look. I was once told by a biz consultant that I was actually a "pendant designer," and that I needed to think about permanently attaching my pendants to my chains. He may have had a point, but it would have meant taking away one of the key elements of my dressing and designing philosophy -- jewelry should be fun to wear, versatile and overall, timeless. I want my jewelry to be memorable, but I don't want people saying, here comes that statement necklace again. By being able to alternate between great pendants -- or no pendant at all -- I have many looks all wrapped up into one delicious pile of golden gemmy goodness in my jewelry box.  With fall now nearly in full swing in NYC, here are a few options for mixing it up...

Clearly, I prefer bold, colorful jewelry. I don't want to have to squint to see the stones, and I don't like to follow trends. You'll never see an x-ring or one of those little stacking bands that sits at the tip of your finger from me...but that's a story for another day.

Happy Weekend!



Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Fresh cut

New aquamarine fresh from the lapidary...yum!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

This brought a smile to my face today. Crochetdermy. Crocheted taxidermy animals on display at the Anthropologie in Rockefeller Center... 

I love the expression on this guy's face...

these animals reminded me of the crocheted police car I saw a few summers ago in Helsinki...

Some new work...

Here's what we've been up to in the studio lately....