
About Stephanie Albertson

I'm a designer and maker of fine jewelry, but my design obsession doesn't begin and end with jewelry. I'm a confessed design junkie. Like so many of you out there, my personal style is always evolving. With my jewelry collection, I'm constantly editing and tweaking to strike just the right notes. I love the integrity of the artisanal approach to design in today's world. That buzz word has become much over-used, but the principles of hand made design will never go out of style. So many of our products today are manufactured in large facilities by people in galaxies far, far away. Not that I am opposed to going global -- but given the choice, I am drawn to things that are a little less available in the market place -- harder to find, a bit more exclusive and under the radar -- and infinitely more special and timeless. If you're like me, there is tremendous pleasure derived from the feeling of having discovered something for the first time. Whether it's a new pillow for my living room or a locally produced gourmet cheese, or better yet, a fine dark chocolate, I'm always on the hunt for things that have that certain je ne sais quoi. This blog grew out of my wish for a place to explore and share all the things that inspire me from the jewelry world and beyond - with a few random musings along the way. I believe every day should have a little sparkle...here's to finding yours!