Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Floor Makeover

Floor Makeover

When I set out to redo the floors in my kitchen I knew I wanted them to have a pattern and a lot of style but I didn't want a rug. Like many kitchens, mine is the main thoroughfare in the house, and in my life a rug in the kitchen is a big no-no -- with a labrador retriever it would just get covered in dog hair and footprints. I also knew I wanted a black and white kitchen. The house is a Spanish colonial bungalow built in 1926 and is packed with original character and details. The previous owner had made some nice choices that I wanted to incorporate -- gorgeous butcher block counter tops and white subway tile backsplash with dark grout. My goal was to get rid of the country French vibe and make it a little more modern while maintaining its charm. The first step was to prep the floors for painting. They needed to be sanded to remove the existing pattern - a harlequin stencil.  For my design, I found an inspiration pic in Elle Decor and enlisted a friend to be my co-weekend warrior and we got down to business. To be fair, my friend did most of the dirty work. The whole project from start to finish, measuring, taping, painting, drying & sealing...took a week. Since it's Florida and very rainy & humid, we waited an additional week before walking on it. The end result is a chic, black and white concentric square pattern that I love even more as time goes on. It's stylish, easy to clean and so far is standing the test of time & doggy footprints!

My floor before...

The inspiration from Elle Decor...

After the sanding, a fresh coat of white floor primer (we also black lacquered the original cabinet doors)...

Taping off the design...

The finished product...

Some other creative examples of painted floors...

photos 1, 2, 3, 4, 5