Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My little slice of haven...

This week, it's back in the studio. As the saying goes, it's time to make the donuts! 

Yesterday, The New York Times featured me in an article about the Jewelry Arts Institute in NYC. 

The Jewelry Arts Institute is the place where I learned the craft of metal-smithing. All of the techniques I employ in my work are completely rooted in the education I received at the Jewelry Arts Institute. Their focus on handmade jewelry and the skills necessary to create classical-style jewelry gave me a solid foundation to take those principles and make them my own. Everything I do on a daily basis in my studio is related in some way to the process I learned at JAI.

Years ago, when I first started my business and was preparing for my first big trade show, before I'd established my own studio (I couldn't afford it yet) the women at the JAI in its former location on the upper west side, let me use their benches as my studio - I created my entire first collection in that building. They'd let me bring my dog and we would park ourselves there until late into the night and work. It was a really supportive environment and I feel I owe a lot to the JAI in getting me on my path.

Here's a sneak peek inside my studio from a recent photo shoot....

checking the links on a chain...

getting ready to put my trademark tag on some chains...

sorting through a parcel of rose cut diamonds...yummy...

bezel setting some opals...

a pic of me at my bench...

outside my sunny Florida studio is pretty nice, too...

my little helper...

I'll post some pics of the NYC studio soon...

Hope everyone is having a happy Tuesday!