Monday, October 1, 2012

Hello, October!

Back in the 1890's, some London diamond dealers got together and started what would become an old-wives tale that opals are bad luck to wear unless they are your birthstone. See, the opal was gaining in popularity and the diamond trade needed a way to scare consumers away from opals. The tale took hold, and I can tell you, I hear it all the time from customers who want to wear them but are reluctant to do so. Opals have long been one of my favorite materials to work with. I've been using them since I started my business back in 1999, and many designers have since gotten on the bandwagon. There are so many kinds of opals and they come in an endless array of colors, shapes and sizes, and have origins in many countries throughout the world -- not just Australia!

In fact, opals are GOOD luck. Throughout history, they have been thought to ward off evil and protect warriors in battle. In medieval times, their special powers were believed to make the wearer invisible and provide great insight. Whatever the case may be, I just love them for their natural beauty and interest. No two are ever alike. So, go ahead -- get your opal on!! Here's a little peek at some of my most treasured opals.

fire opal & Mexican opal stacking rings....

 boulder & Yowah opals...

Mexican opal drops...

the face of a beautiful Australian crystal opal cocktail ring...

Peruvian opal...

Mexican Opals...the first one has the profile of a rabbit -- a rare, natural occurrence!

Boulder opals...

Yowah opal...

Ethiopian opals...

Peruvian pink opal beads...