Sunday, October 28, 2012

peace, love & understanding...and coffee

It's Sunday morning, and let's face it...most of us are talking about politics. I have friends of both political party persuasions. I love them all for their ability to engage in a conversation that is enlightening and educational. I love them for their passion and their commitment to their beliefs -- and their ability to back them up with intelligent arguments. 

In the interest of full disclosure, a single friend inspired this post. A friend who decided that I am angry because I called out a talking head on her side of the aisle for perpetual hate-filled language that throws fuel on an already out of control fire. I would say to you what I said to her -- do not confuse my passion and intelligence with anger. I am not an angry spirit. I was put on this earth to sing and paint and make beauty with my voice and hands - my whole life has been dedicated to making the world a more beautiful place - literally and figuratively. This is not to say that I do not get angry. I am human, after all. But, there is a big difference between being angered by something and being an angry soul. So, the next time you are faced with a friend or acquaintance who may think differently than you do, who may come from a different time, generation, place or social strata -- remember that just because they are different does not mean that they are angry or stupid or incapable of imagining what it might be like to "think like the other guy." Take a deep breath and ask yourself if maybe you're not the angry one -- angry because you can't force others to think like you do. Tolerance is a highly underrated value in our world today. A little more would go a long way.

Here's to a happy, sunny Sunday. 

If you're looking for something to's a movie for your afternoon. 

And if you feel the urge to dance, here's a song for you!

I'm off to get my coffee!