Thursday, November 29, 2012


berries from my Thanksgiving table setting

The last two weeks have been a lot of fun, if also a little blurry! This time of year, it seems as if time starts ticking in thirty-second notes. It all started with Thanksgiving - filled with family, friends and delicious food. This week, it's back to business, which I believe should be spelled BUSYNESS for obvious reasons! Yesterday, while I was running around on 47th Street trying to beat the clock in time to miss the tree lighting crowds at Rockefeller Center, I took a time out to see the windows at Anthropologie where a winter wonderland is alive and flourishing.

love the paper lanterns...and the sly fox


these trees are all made with tissue in, the kind we use for wrapping gifts! They look so real...

these guys have glittery ears...

the tree before the lighting...

Finally, yesterday was my Dad's birthday. I'm a lucky girl to have this guy for a Dad...I may not have hit the Powerball, but it doesn't matter...I hit the parental lottery and that's priceless!  Here we are playing poker... Happy Birthday, Dad...I love you. 

It's almost the weekend...I'm off to Connecticut for a trunk show. Hope you are having a happy Thursday!  
