Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Happy New Year!

If you read this blog and have been wondering if I was kidnapped by aliens or something, fear not!  Lots has been happening in the world of Stephanie Albertson Jewelry. December was a really fun month. I was so honored to be asked to participate in the relaunch of the iconic lifestyle store, Zona. For those who remember, Zona was a pioneer in the lifestyle concept store movement. Before there even was a "movement," there was Zona, paving the way for the Anthropologies of today. With a focus on artists and their work, and appreciation for process and materials, Zona became the destination for anyone looking to find that certain something -- unique, beautiful, timeless and handmade. The original Zona closed its doors in the early 90's, but the spirit lived on, and for three weeks last month, Zona was more alive than ever. It was amazing to talk to people who were customers back in the day and hear them reminisce about the things they'd purchased that they still treasure to this day. People were nostalgic about a time in NYC that is long gone - when Soho was really an artists colony and the stores were full of merchants, gallery owners and other creative people who had something to offer that couldn't be found anywhere else. I think there is a desire to return to this kind of shopping -- people are tired of big box retail and the big branding of everything we have or use in our lives. I definitely want things to use in my home that are not mass produced, that few people have, that have quality, craftsmanship and character...things that have a story to tell. Anyway, all of this to say that the response to the pop-up was tremendous. Here are a few pics...

 A wall of homage to the original Zona on Broome Street...

the message...

jewels atop a display of alabaster fruit from Italy...


vintage textiles...

vintage buttons...

silk rugs...nothing softer under your feet!....

fragrance and an amazing artwork by Tad Wright

a view of the Cheryl Hazan Gallery space that was home to Zona for the pop-up

more jewels...

delicious treats...

and...more jewels!...

I spent much of the month of December in the city, indulging in the holiday festivities and spirit. When I got back to Florida to be with family for the New Year, I ended up with the dreaded flu that is going around. All I can say about that is YUCK. The weather in Florida this time of year is blissfully seductive. It is conducive to resting and rejuvenating...which is what I've been doing for the first few weeks of the year.  The studio is getting busy -- a lot of new work in the making. One of the best treats I received were the lemons on my mom's tree...they are as big as grapefruit and sweet enough to eat alone! 

Here's hoping you are off to a happy & healthy New Year.