Monday, December 3, 2012

Discovering Columbus

Yesterday, I finally had a little extra time to go see Discovering Columbus at Columbus Circle. It was the final day to experience it -- there's nothing like waiting until the last minute. For anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about, the artist Tatzu Nishi created a living room atop a scaffold for the statue of Christopher Columbus. Nishi is known for this sort of thing, having created domestic environments around public monuments over the years. To get up to the living room, you have to walk up about six flights of stairs. A couple of things were surprising to me. First of all, it's the ultimate in NYC real estate fantasy. Columbus has the best apartment in all of NYC, even if it's temporary. Location, location, the saying goes, and there is none better than this. Second, having driven past this statue nearly every day in the entire twenty-plus years I've lived in NYC, I never noticed that Columbus is facing Southwest. The glorious panorama of Central Park is behind him. Though the apartment is flooded with sunlight, he is missing out on the park view! Perhaps years ago, when the statue was installed, when the view to the south was less obstructed, Columbus could have seen Lady Liberty from his vantage point. Certainly, before the Time Warner building was constructed and the old colosseum stood in the same location, the scale of the buildings was lower, so maybe the artist Gaetano Russo who created the monument thought it would be symbolic to have Columbus facing the Hudson river in the direction of Ellis Island - the entry point to the new world for so many immigrants to our country. Whatever the case may be, it is something to think about.

In this exhibition, photography was "highly encouraged," to quote the security here are a few of the images I snapped.

Columbus' views to the north...

 looking east down 59th Street

walking into the living room...

this is the actual base of the statue that sits 70 feet above Columbus Circle. Here it appears to be sitting on top of the coffee table.

since we were instructed by the guard not to remove any books or newspapers from the setting, I'm assuming the newspapers on the table were placed there by the artist...not sure about the bubble gum wrappers.

the artist wanted to living room to reflect classic American tastes and sensibilities. Hence the kitchy wallpaper featuring iconic Americana...Elvis, Mickey Mouse, McDonalds, Coke, cowboys & indians, skyscrapers, Michael Jackson, Marilyn Monroe, hotdogs and more... 

The big TV in Columbus' living room is set to ode to America's obsession with the flatscreen and the 24-hour news cycle? I was happy to see that Columbus turned his back to the TV!

You can read more about the artist Tatzu Nishi and Discovering Columbus here and here.  

After seeing Columbus, I headed downtown to meet a friend for brunch at Tartine. This little hole in the wall in the West Village is a delicious, cozy (as in elbow to elbow) place and the food is delicious and homey in a French Bretagne sort of way. 

It's now a beautiful and warm morning in the city -- no need for a coat. Off to enjoy the sunshine and more preparation for the next round of trunk shows.  

Happy Monday!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


berries from my Thanksgiving table setting

The last two weeks have been a lot of fun, if also a little blurry! This time of year, it seems as if time starts ticking in thirty-second notes. It all started with Thanksgiving - filled with family, friends and delicious food. This week, it's back to business, which I believe should be spelled BUSYNESS for obvious reasons! Yesterday, while I was running around on 47th Street trying to beat the clock in time to miss the tree lighting crowds at Rockefeller Center, I took a time out to see the windows at Anthropologie where a winter wonderland is alive and flourishing.

love the paper lanterns...and the sly fox


these trees are all made with tissue in, the kind we use for wrapping gifts! They look so real...

these guys have glittery ears...

the tree before the lighting...

Finally, yesterday was my Dad's birthday. I'm a lucky girl to have this guy for a Dad...I may not have hit the Powerball, but it doesn't matter...I hit the parental lottery and that's priceless!  Here we are playing poker... Happy Birthday, Dad...I love you. 

It's almost the weekend...I'm off to Connecticut for a trunk show. Hope you are having a happy Thursday!  


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

holiday scramble...

I've totally fallen off the blogging bandwagon the last couple weeks. I'm up to my eyeballs in production -- filling orders for some people who must have been VERY good this year! I'm also doing trunk shows every weekend in December...AND, I'm most excited to be participating in the amazing relaunch of the renowned and well loved store, Zona in SoHo. If you shopped in NYC in the 80's and 90's, you will remember Zona as THE go-to destination for the most original curated selection of artisan treasures from all over the world. Needless to say, I am feeling much like the guy in the pic above -- a little overwhelmed and starved for time but very delighted to be making new work and preparing my little Florida bungalow for Thanksgiving guests this weekend.  I'm taking the rest of the week off from even thinking about blogging. I wish everyone a joyful holiday with an abundance of all things delicious, happy and healthy. 

Warmest xo



Monday, November 12, 2012

Weekend snapshots...

A peek inside the studio from the weekend...

our succulent plants are growing like crazy...

laying out stones, pearls, opals...

laying out our oxidized flowers...

baroque pearls & diamonds...

playing with our collection of vintage and ancient beads...

a couple finished pieces ready to go to new homes...

when life gives you paint them!

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Weekend...

I haven't really felt much like blogging this week. Like so many people, my thoughts have been with my family, friends and countless strangers in New York, New Jersey and Connecticut who have suffered so much this week. Some lives have been changed in unimaginable ways and my heart goes out to them. Thanksgiving is still a few weeks away, but this week's storm is a stark reminder of how fleeting life is and how important it is to be thankful for the bounty in our lives. 

I hope you all have a happy and safe weekend.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

peace, love & understanding...and coffee

It's Sunday morning, and let's face it...most of us are talking about politics. I have friends of both political party persuasions. I love them all for their ability to engage in a conversation that is enlightening and educational. I love them for their passion and their commitment to their beliefs -- and their ability to back them up with intelligent arguments. 

In the interest of full disclosure, a single friend inspired this post. A friend who decided that I am angry because I called out a talking head on her side of the aisle for perpetual hate-filled language that throws fuel on an already out of control fire. I would say to you what I said to her -- do not confuse my passion and intelligence with anger. I am not an angry spirit. I was put on this earth to sing and paint and make beauty with my voice and hands - my whole life has been dedicated to making the world a more beautiful place - literally and figuratively. This is not to say that I do not get angry. I am human, after all. But, there is a big difference between being angered by something and being an angry soul. So, the next time you are faced with a friend or acquaintance who may think differently than you do, who may come from a different time, generation, place or social strata -- remember that just because they are different does not mean that they are angry or stupid or incapable of imagining what it might be like to "think like the other guy." Take a deep breath and ask yourself if maybe you're not the angry one -- angry because you can't force others to think like you do. Tolerance is a highly underrated value in our world today. A little more would go a long way.

Here's to a happy, sunny Sunday. 

If you're looking for something to's a movie for your afternoon. 

And if you feel the urge to dance, here's a song for you!

I'm off to get my coffee!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Golden girl...

I've heard it said that diamonds are a girl's best friend, but I beg to differ. Maybe I'm biased. Spending my days making jewelry in high karat gold has spoiled me. And, now more than ever, the gold trend is spilling over into the worlds of design and decor. There are a few items I'm finding quite irresistible. 

this chandelier looks like it was inspired by a fiddle leaf fig...

a festive holiday table setting, perhaps...

a match striker from Aerin Lauder's new lifestyle collection...available at Neiman Marcus

a golden laptop -- would make responding to emails all the more FUN!

my morning coffee would taste even more delicious out of this French press...

a sculptural lamp...

 golden barware...

images: 1-3, 4, 5-7, 8

metallic jeans...?

I suppose the golden laptop is the pièce de résistance... But, let's say you were going to host a holiday party -- you really would be the hostess with the mostest with one (or two) of these lovely little golden trinkets draped around your neck...

gold fish pendants with rose cut diamond eyes

What do you think? Do you have any gold accessories in your home? Or a favorite gold jewel? I'd love to hear from you.

Have a happy weekend!